Examination of Temperature Variability over Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh): A Comparative Study

Examination of Temperature Variability over Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh): A Comparative Study


  • Khadija Shakrullah Department of Geography, Forman Christian college (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan
  • Safdar Ali Shirazi Department of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sajjad Hussain Sajjad Research Scientist Laboratoire Image Ville Environment( LIVE),Univsrsity of Strasbourg, France
  • Zartab Jahan Department of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan




 Lahore and Dhaka are rapid expanding and over populated cities of South Asia located in Pakistan and Bangladesh respectively. The present study focuses on the evaluation of temperature variability in comparison of both cities. This study primarily aims at the assessment and examination of temperature variations in both mega cities of South Asia which are seasonal as well as the annual. The time series data were analysed by using statistical techniques Autoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA) and Autoregressive Integrated Average Model (ARIMA). The results reveal that the minimum temperature is increasing much faster than that of the maximum temperature of both cities. However, the temperature rise(in maximum and minimum) has been observed highest during the spring seasons in both cities.




How to Cite

Shakrullah, K., Shirazi, S. A., Sajjad, S. H., & Jahan, Z. (2019). Examination of Temperature Variability over Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh): A Comparative Study: Examination of Temperature Variability over Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh): A Comparative Study. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 10(4), 46–50. https://doi.org/10.46660/ijeeg.v10i4.391

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