Work Accidents and Coal Mining in Turkey


  • Ibrahim Çınar Konya Technical University, Mining Engineering Department, Konya,Turkey
  • Cem Şensöğüt Kütahya Dumlupinar University, Mining Engineering Department., Kütahya,Turkey



In this study, an up-to-date evaluation of work accidents and occupational diseases in hard coal and lignite
mining in Turkey has been made using the Social Security Institution (SSI) of Turkey statistics between 2013-and
2020. For this purpose, the number of insured employees who had work accidents and occupational diseases, the
number of insured people who lost their lives as a result of work accidents, and the total temporary incapacity for work
(standing + inpatient) were examined. Although the number of people who had work accidents, the number of deaths
after work accidents, and the total duration of temporary incapacity in the lignite mining field of activity are higher than
in the field of activity in hard coal mining, it is seen that the number of occupational diseases is lower.




How to Cite

Çınar, I., & Şensöğüt, C. (2022). Work Accidents and Coal Mining in Turkey. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 13(1), 1–4.

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