Analyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, Pakistan

Analyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, PakistanAnalyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, Pakistan


  • Amatul Moin Department of Earth Sciences, Sargodha University, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Mobeen Department of Earth Sciences, Sargodha University, Pakistan



Groundwater is a primary source for drinking and domestic use in urban centers of Pakistan. The continuing process of urbanization and the recent rising trend in urban population is leading to overexploitation of groundwater in the study area. Present research explains the groundwater quality status in Sargodha  city, Punjab. In this area, the urban population has almost doubled since 2000. Present study focuses on physicochemical parameters of groundwater samples collected from pre-determined boreholes in Sargodha city. One hundred water samples were collected through random proportionate sampling method from the city. The standard laboratory water sample analysis was performed to determine water quality parameters like TDS, EC, PH, alkalinity, turbidity, taste, odor, drinkability, hardness, iron sulfate, nitrate, calcium, magnesium and chloride. The analysis results revealed that the values of turbidity, EC, chloride, sulfate alkalinity, hardness, TDS are higher than the permissible limits of WHO while the magnesium and pH concentrations are below the permissible range for drinking water. The amount of nitrate and iron were found in traces. Geospatial maps for different elements were generated using GIS software in order to delineate zones of high concentrations of these parameters in groundwater of the study area.




How to Cite

Moin, A., & Mobeen, M. (2019). Analyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, Pakistan: Analyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, PakistanAnalyzing Geospatial Trends of Groundwater Quality in Sargodha City, Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 10(1), 16–21.