Spatial Variation of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Drinking Water of Rajanpur

Spatial Variation of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Drinking Water of Rajanpur


  • Mohsin Ali Office of the Director General Wildlife & Parks, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Irfan Raza Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sajid Rashid Ahmed College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Perveiz Khalid Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Shahzada Khurram Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan



Punjab is the most populous area of Pakistan with around 100 million individuals and is confronting
significant issues of groundwater exhaustion and water quality deterioration. Groundwater quality in Rajanpur district
of Punjab is also deteriorating like other urban areas of Pakistan. Analysis of the chemical parameters of collected
water revealed the notable contamination in Rajanpur. Samples were taken from different tube wells of Rajanpur over
different locations. A mapping of the total concentration of Arsenic (As), Iron (Fe), and Fluoride (F-) was carried out on
drinking water through GIS. Multiple locations exhibited water quality issues, surpassing both NEQ’S and WHO
standards for Arsenic (41% of samples), Iron (68% of samples), and Fluoride (21% of samples) out of a total of 41
locations surveyed. The maximum contents of As, Fe, and F- were observed to be 1.6, 1.6, and 1.85 respectively. A
suitable and powerful removal innovative technology for these metals is required to save a huge number of individuals
in Rajanpur from these metals hazardous effects. In the present era, a collective awareness has emerged, recognizing
the profound significance of ensuring access to pristine drinking water, advanced sanitation infrastructure, and elevated
standards of personal hygiene. Governments have to take further steps to improve quality standards for drinking water
and to promote GIS technology. Thus GIS mapping and estimation would help us to estimate the smaller observations
and to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the contamination in drinking water




How to Cite

Ali, M., Raza, I., Rashid Ahmed, S., Khalid, P., & Khurram, S. (2023). Spatial Variation of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Drinking Water of Rajanpur: Spatial Variation of Heavy Metals Concentration in the Drinking Water of Rajanpur. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 14(1), 10–15.





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