Editorial Team


Prof. Dr. Viqar Husain
Ex. Chairman Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Convener: Society of Economic Geologists & Mineral Technologists (SEGMITE)
Expertise: Economic geology, environmental geology, environmental management, ground water pollution, soil chemistry, geotechnical engineering & disaster management.
Email: chiefeditor.ijeeg@gmail.com Website: www.econ-environ-geol.org  
Cell/WhatsApp: +92-302-0258683 or +92-348-2188174


Dr. Prosun Bhattacharya
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden & University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
Expertise: Groundwater chemistry, contamination, sedimentary aquifers, geogenic contaminants, arsenic and fluoride
Email: prosun@kth.se

Advisory Editors

Dr. Cem Sensogut
Professor, Dumlupinar University, Mining Engineering Department, 43100 Kütahya, Turkey
Expertise: Mining engineering, occupational health and safety, mineral economics, engineering economics, underground mining methods, ventilation.
Contact: +90 5333315516
Email: sensogut@dpu.edu.tr

Prof. Bheemalingeswara Konka (Ph.D)
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana
Expertise: Mineral exploration, ore geology, mining  geology,hydro geochemistry,exploration and environmental geochemistry
Contact: +26-771626311
Email: bheemalingeswarak@biust.ac.bw


Dr. Olugbenga Akindeji OKUNLOLA
Department of Geology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Expertise: Economic geology, mining geology, geoethics, geoscience education
Contact: +234-8033816070
Email: o.okunlola@mail.ui.edu.ng;gbengaokunlola@yahoo.com


Dr. Sardar Sarfaraz,
Chief Meteorologist
Pakistan Meteorological Department
Expertise: Climate change, weather forecasting, early warning and disaster risk reduction.
Contact: +92-334-3204566
Email: sarfarazmet@hotmail.com

Advisory Editors

Prof. Dr. Sajid Rashid
Vice Chancellor, Okara University, Punjab, Pakistan
Expertise: Environmental geology, Groundwater pollution, GIS, Soil pollution.
Contact: +92-0312-9801510
Email: sajidpu@yahoo.com

Managing Editor

Dr. Adnan Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Environmental chemistry, arsenic and fluoride contamination, water and soil pollution, waste management, industrial rocks and minerals.
Contact: Cell/WhatsApp: +92-300-36358-48
Email: managingeditor.ijeeg@gmail.com

Assistant Managing Editors

Dr. Shehla Bano
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Groundwater modeling, monitoring, seawater intrusion and isotopic study of groundwater.
Email: asst.managingeditor.ijeeg@gmail.com

Dr. Samiyah Tasleem
Consulting Microbiologist, Department of Microbiology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Environmental microbiology, groundwater quality.
Email: samiyahtasleem2005@yahoo.com


Editorial Board

Dr. S. B. Kusumaydha
Assistant Professor
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN), Indonesia
Expertise: Hydrogeology, Karst Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Geological Disaster
Email: saribk@gmail.com  


Dr. Md. Nehal Uddin
Director General (Retired)
Geological Survey of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Expertise: Mining geology, sedimentation, aquifer formation, water and energy.
Email: nehal.gsb@gmail.com

Dr. Md. Badiuzzaman Khan
Department of Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Expertise: Atmospheric pollution, waste management, heavy metal pollution, GHGs measurement.
Email: mbkhan@bau.edu.bd

Dr. H. M. Zakir Hossain
Department of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Jessore S &T University, Bangladesh.
Expertise: Organic and petroleum geochemistry, geochemistry of clastic sediment, isotope geochemistry.
Email: zakirgsd@yahoo.com

Dr. Bazlar Rashid
Deputy Director
Geological Survey of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Expertise: Sedimentology, geomorphology, river morphology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, radioactivity, elemental analysis.
Email: bazlarrashid@yahoo.com

Dr. Naveed Ahsan
Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
Expertise: Sedimentology, structure and petroleum geology, tectonics, construction materials
Email: naveedahsan.geo@pu.edu.pk

Dr. Ahmad Ali Gul
University of Management & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Expertise: Climate change, disaster management, sustainable development.
Email: ahmad.gul@umt.edu.pk

Dr. Shahzada Adnan
Deputy Director,
Pakistan Meteorological Department, Islamabad, Pakistan
Expertise: Climate change, drought monitoring and early warning, weather impacts on agriculture.
Email: shaz.adnan@gmail.com ; shaz_adnan@pmd.gov.pk

Mohammed Ali Albaroot
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Geology, Saba University, Ma”rib, Yemen
Expertise: Geophysics, geology, reservoir characterization and basin modeling
Email: alsharif20@gmail.com

Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Arain,
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Water chemistry, water quality, groundwater pollution and modelling.
Email: pcrwr.karachi@gmail.com

Dr. Muhammad Sohail,
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology, University of Karachi. Pakistan
Expertise: Microbiology, fermentation, enzyme production
Email: msohail@uok.edu.pk   

Dr. Mian Sabir Hussain
Senior Researcher Climate Research
Department of Geography Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Expertise: Geography, Statistics in Climate, Desert Climate, General Climate, Climate and Culture, Urban climatology, climate of Pakistan, climate & agriculture, mountain geography, monsoon rainfall, polar climate, climate change.
Email: konkuk.climate@gmail.com   

Dr. Tehmina Ayub
Associate Professor,
NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: China clay, aggregate and construction material, cement.
Email: tehmina@neduet.edu.pk

Dr. Rubina Firdous,
Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP), Pakistan
Expertise: Hydrogeology, groundwater chemistry, groundwater modelling, groundwater pollution.
Email: f_rubina@hotmail.com


Dr. M. Nasar-U-Minallah
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor of Geography at University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
Expertise: Geography, urban environment, urban climate, GIS and remote sensing. 
Email: nasarbhalli@gmail.com

Dr. M. Nawaz
Assistant Professor,
Department of Environmental Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
Expertise: Ecotoxicology, soil & water biology, plant, soil and environmental interaction soil pollution and bioremediation/phytoremediation.
Email: mnawaz@bzu.edu.pk

Dr. Amjad Hussain
School of Earth Resources China, Uni of Geosciences, Wuhan, China
Expertise: Ore deposits, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, & tectonics
Email: amjad.khoshhall@gmail.com

Dr. Harris Ahmed Khan
Principal Petroleum Geologist
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan
Expertise: Geo modelling /geostatistical modeling, leads and prospect evaluation, reserve estimation, petroleum geology, seismic & wells log interpretation.
Email: haris_geologist@hotmail.com


Dr. Nida Ali
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Environmental chemistry, inorganic pollutants' monitoring in air and water.
Email: nida.ali@uok.edu.pk 

Dr. Urooj Zafar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Expertise: Antimicrobial resistance in fungi, fungal ecology and environmental microbiology.
Email: uroojzafar710@gmail.com

Dr. Raffat Saeed
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany, Federal Urdu University of Arts Sci. & Tech, Karachi, Pakistan
Expertise: Physiological and biochemical mechanisms in plants grown under abiotic stress (salinity and drought).
Email: rafatsaeedpk2@gmail.com



Society of Economic Geologists & Mineral Technologists (SEGMITE)
C/o Department of Geology, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
Email: segmiteinternational@gmail.com

Mr. Suhail Anjum
Treasurer SEGMITE
Ex-Chairman, Department of Geology, Federal Urdu University of S&T, Karachi, Pakistan
Email: anjum_52@hotmail.com
Contact: +92-321-2100421